Escrito por Foro Social de EEUU
WHEREAS, Puerto Rico was invaded by the United States on July 25, 1898, almost one hundred and twelve year ago, and was colonized by Spain since 1493 before the United States invasion,
WHEREAS, the Puerto Rican people constitute a Latin American and Caribbean nation with a distinct identity, who have suffered and continue to suffer untold spiritual, economic, social and environmental hardhips as a result of their colonial subjugation,
Whereas, the present annexationist government of Puerto Rico has instituted ultra neo liberal policies, including firing 20,000 government workers, which may rise to 30,000, and Puerto Rican workers and youth, and all sectors of society are mobilizing in struggle against these neo liberal policies,
WHEREAS, the Puerto Rican people's sovereignty has been usurped and the U.S. Congress exercises its power over vital areas of the life of the Puerto Rican people, including defense, currency, labor relations, communications, international relations, commerce, customs, maritime laws and migration and immigration,
WHEREAS, there are more than four million Puerto Ricans in the United States who suffer oppression, discrimination and economic exploitation in many United States cities,
WHEREAS, the United Nations has adopted resolutions that reaffirm the inalienable right of the Puerto Rican people to self-determination and independence in conformity with General Assembly resolution 1514(XV) and numerous governmental and non governmental international organizations, as well as Puerto Rican organizations and political parties, have called on the UN General Assembly to examine the case;
WHEREAS, the annexation of Puerto Rico to the United States as the 51st state does not represent equal rights for Puerto Ricans, but rather the culmination of colonialism,
TO SUPPORT the right of the Puerto Rican for their self-determination and independence in conformity with General Assembly reslution 1514(XV),
TO SUPPORT the struggles of Puerto Rican workers, women, youth and students, and communities for their rights, and the struggles of Puerto Ricans in the United States for their democratic rights while recognizing their historical contributions to the struggles and rights of all Latinos(as) in the United States,
TO DENOUNCE any attempt at United States legislation for a colonial plebiscite regarding the future political status of the Puerto Rican people, and any legislation by the colonial government of Puerto Rico for a plebiscite,
TO REAFFIRM that any future consultation or process regarding the future political status of the Puerto Rican people must take place in conformity with international law,
TO DEMAND the release of Puerto Rican political prisoners Oscar Lopez, Carlos Alberto Torres and Avelino Gonzalez Claudio, who are incarcerated in United States jails,
TO DECLARE September 23rd of every year a day of solidarity with Puerto Rico throughout the United States.
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